Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother Teresa

My friend Diane gave me a book a while ago..." Don't forget to sing in the lifeboats."
It's a cute book with positive sayings.  
Two of my favorites.. First,  from Mother Teresa....  "I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much."
and " Life's a Bitch, You have to go out and Kick Ass!"

Here I am on Mothers Day. Thankful to have a wonderful Mother. Greatful to have a wonderful Mother-in-law. Yet I feel so sad today. Because,  every year I have only asked for a simple request. Cure me. Cure me , so Paul and I can move on with our lives. We want to enjoy the next step of being parents. Cure me, so I can be a Mom. Cure me, so I can give my husband the family he always wanted. Cure me, so I don't feel like such a failure. 

Every year I year will be my Mothers Day. Now I  am watching  this one pass by. 
Maybe it is true. I couldn't handle anything else in my life. Taking care of my health was number one. I know it's made me a different person. A better wife, a better friend and I will be a better Mom because of my struggles. It's taking me longer than most...but, I will get there.

To all the Mothers out in this world, Happy Mothers Day. Give them a squeeze and let them know you love them.  For every Diaper change, every tantrum, every time they make you stay up awake, waiting until 2 in the morning..past the curfew..wondering what in gods name  they are they doing!....It's  a Gift. 

One more time...Next year I will be a Mom!

Happy Mothers Day


Anonymous said...

I love the first Mother Theresa quote you put, it's one of my favorites.

You are so right on about appreciating even the little (and unpleasant) things about being a mom.

I know you will get to be a mommy one day too. Let's pray it's by next Mothers Day.

I love you and thought about you all day.


Kathy said...

I wish you a child!