Saturday, July 19, 2008


At Midnight last night my 3oth Birthday Extravaganza turned into a Wedding Celebration. I was surrounded by my 3 awesome brothers, wonderful friends & My Love, Paul.  Today was our 5 year Anniversary.  Anniversary 1-4 years was celebrated pretty much the same.... fancy restaurant, fabulous dress, Up-do ( that's prom hair if anyone is confused) and of course champagne. 
Anniversary #5 : Sleeping, Hot tub,  Boat,  Sleeping, Takeout, Sleep.
The best Day.

For Paul,
I love you for all the strength that you have given me. For laughing and crying with me, for playing scrabble even under protest, for dealing with my not putting caps on things & yelling at me  for never watering the plants. Your not just my Husband...Your my best friend, my Lobster. 
Thank you for saying I love you...every single day. 

Love Your Wife (Lobster)

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