Saturday, November 8, 2008


Hello Blog friends, 
You know that moment when you get in your car, get to the supermarket and you absolutely forgot why you were there?
This funny ridiculous moment happens way to often for me.  It first started that I would drive & forget where  I was going. Now I get in the car & I  forget which side of the street I am suppose to be on. Honestly, it has happened.  My memory is just not the same. I am queen of sticky notes. Just stop by my house and don't be surprised when you see a post it on all my doors. This is my reminder that the alarm is on. I got tired of  the alarm company calling. 

The point! I started scrap booking my journey down this road ( cliff) in my life. Looking back at the most amazing pictures and really appreciating how far I have come. 
November 30th will be a year that I braved "The BIG" surgery. I can tell you that the past year has been tough.  But, I have the pictures that have captured the good times too.

Thanks for the memories. I hope I remember who you are (just kidding!!)

Peace & love
Keep making memories!


Anonymous said...

I have had that driving experience too often (sorry to admit-minus the anti cancer drugs and tumors)...and sometimes.. i think someone else (Dave) is driving when i realize "OMG" where am I going.

Have you ever seen "Complaints of a Dutiful Daughter?" A film about a woman who filmed her mom in the process of developing althzeihmers. She loved lorna dune (sp?) cookies and kept buying them and stashing them all over the house (in a suitcase under the bed, in the closet, in her dresser etc). Yellow stickies ALL over the house to remind her of a Dentist Appointment that she called and made no less than 10 times.
Here's the link: It's a great film.

Anonymous said...

okay that was me - i forgot who for a second :)

Anonymous said...

hmmm ... I do the same thing sometimes ... but I think of it as really being IN the moment ... either that or I'm convinced that I was doing something more important at a higher level ...


Take care

Anonymous said...

Why do you think I take so many pictures? My memory gets worse all the time. SO, it may just be an age thing. ;-)


Elsa D. said...

Hi, I think we are on the same drug. I googled Brivanib on blogs and found you. Where are you doing the trial? I am doing teh BMS trial ai Sloan-Kettering. Good luck.
I am also beginning to forget why I get up to do something.