Friday, July 11, 2008

Birthday Wishes


Yesterday My family celebrated my Aunt Diane's 49th Birthday! She has been talking about it for months and when yesterday arrived I think she was in complete shock that it was finally here. The enthusiasm in opening her gifts was classic. The perfect present consists of 3 things..Lottery scratch offs, Paper ( she prefers a not pad to write on) and last but not least a yummy Kit Kat Bar!

Now I am approaching my 30th  birthday , July 13th at 9:15 mom will happily go over birthing details with me.. & Yes I guess I am  as excited as Diane. My 20's are over & even though I have many wonderful memories...I am glad that they are over. I am moving on from some sad moments that I wish I didn't have to go through, glad that I got through it and praying I never have to do it again.  I do have 2 beautiful face lifts on my side...I look like I have been botox-ed and ironed out..No wrinkles! 

Today was a perfect day...the  warm summer breeze felt awesome as I was fishing off the side of our Boat ( technically it's my boat since Paul named it after me...The Sea Nag). I started to cry......feeling a rush of happiness that I can not describe. When Paul asked me what was wrong I simply told him that I was Happy....something I haven't felt in a very long time.  My strength was tested &  I am here celebrating a milestone in my life. My health,  my 3oth  Birthday and 5 years married to a strong, loving man.  

Sometimes we have to go through really tough times to appreciate the good things in life that we already have....Family, Friends and of course Great Shoes!!! I couldn't leave out my true love!

Wish me a wonderful Birthday and I'm an 8 1/2 in heels!

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