Spread the word! It's Sarcoma week. Support me by learning about my cancer & educate others about it. Wear the blue bracelet!!! There are so many people in this world, state and around me that have never even heard of this type of cancer. Knowledge is key. Learn and share what you know. I have Sarcoma bracelets and would love for everyone to wear one. You can also make a donation for Sarcoma research. Just let me know.
Special thanks to my Sister in law, Nance. She supported me by riding in a Sarcoma bike ride out in Oregon. You're fantastic!
Check out a few great websites and learn.
www.sarcomahelp.org & www.sarcomaalliance.org
Michelle's news & updates
I celebrated my 31st Birthday and my 6 year wedding anniversary last week. I am still healing up from the last surgery. Starting to feel like myself again. Which is just perfect because I am going in for another surgery on the 14th. Life is just too funny sometimes. I am thinking that it's better I just get it over with. And....they give great socks out at the hospital! Soft blue fuzzy slippers, with fabulous rubber grippers on the bottom. It's like a spa & you get free tumor removal!
I am raising my glass to all of the guys & gals fighting Sarcoma & other Cancers. And, to all of the fabulous fighters we have lost. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. Keep kicking butt & know that none of us are alone. I am the girl walking next to you proudly sporting my cancer bracelet.